Water is one of our most vital resources for sustaining and improving life. In order to bring information and awareness to the global community about different water issues, the United Nations hosts their annual event World Water Day. Since 1993, the theme of this annual event concerns a current or future challenge facing water.

Video Presentation Winner 7 year-old Grieta (Jelgava, Latvia)
Photo Credit: Juris Karlinskis
This year’s theme, titled “Water and Jobs”, focuses on the idea that the quantity and quality of water can affect workers’ lives and livelihoods – and even transform societies and economies. According to the UN, “almost half of the world’s workers – 1.5 billion people – work in water related sectors and nearly all jobs depend on water and those that ensure its safe delivery. Yet the millions of people who work in water are often not recognized or protected by basic labor rights.”
Students from FasTracKids centers and schools around the world participated by sharing their thoughts on water and jobs. Through video presentations, drawings or team posters that describe the importance of water and water jobs, FasTracKids showcased their creative ideas.
Find us on the UN Website:
Watch our YouTube playlist for FasTracKids presentations on World Water Day:
Enjoy the team posters and individual drawings from FasTracKids Students:
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