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Estudos recentes comprovam que os primeiros anos de vida de uma criança são decisivos para o seu desenvolvimento cerebral.


Os programas de educação avançada FasTracKids®, frequentados tanto numa Academia como num Estabelecimento de Ensino, são desenvolvidos para apoiar e estimular o desenvolvimento natural de uma criança. A Estação de Aprendizagem é a força motriz de todos os programas ao permitir diferentes métodos de ensino-aprendizagem através do quadro interactivo.


Os Programas disponíveis actualmente em Portugal são adequados para crianças dos 2 aos 8 anos de idade (6 à data da inscrição) e, semanalmente, facultam às crianças as competências necessárias para o seu sucesso escolar futuro.

FasTracKids Program Logo FasTracKids® – Estão os seus filhos preparados para vencer num mundo em constante mudança? O programa FasTracKids ensina as crianças dos 4 aos 8 anos a usar a sua criatividade e espírito crítico e a sua capacidade de comunicação através de tecnologia interactiva e divertida.


FasTrack Tots LogoFasTrack® Tots – As crianças são naturalmente curiosas! FasTrack Tots permite às crianças serem curiosas de forma mais construtiva, ao desenvolver as suas competências sociais e de comunicação, a sua concentração e auto-estima.


FasTrack Signing Program LogoFasTrack® Signing – This program is designed for infants and toddlers between the ages of 6 months – 2 years who will eventually develop the capacity to communicate verbally. This program is designed specifically for children; but as every parent knows their child can communicate before he or she is able to speak.


FasTrack Music Program Logo

FasTrack® Music (2 – 4 years old) – In FasTrack Music for 2 – 4 year olds, children get to move, sing, pretend, and share their love for music. As children engage in the music program, they improve their memory, cognitive development, learning skills and their ability to express emotion.

FasTrack® Music (4 – 6 years old) – The advanced program for 4 – 6 year olds is based on the same concepts as the 2 – 4 year old program, but the curriculum is focused on preparing children for formal music lessons while still having a fun, positive experience.



FasTrack Camps Program Logo FasTrack® Camps – Os Programas de Férias FasTracKids são modulares e têm uma grande flexibilidade de horários e temas, sendo adaptados aos grupos e faixas etárias inscritas.


FasTrack Explorers Program LogoFasTrack® Explorers – A fun, multi-day “adventure” for children 2 – 4 years old that incorporates elements of FasTrack® Tots in addition to literacy and math components.




FasTrack Advanced Explorers LogoFasTrack® Advanced Explorers – The elite version of the FasTrack® Explorers program seamlessly adds FasTrack® Math to a fun, diverse curriculum. A multi-day “adventure” for children 2-4 years old that includes a blend of hands-on activities, communication, public speaking skills and a self learning method for math. Students “explore” for 3 1/2 hours a day, 5 days a week for 44 weeks.


FasTrack Discoverers Program LogoFasTrack® Discoverers – Similar to FasTrack® Explorers, FasTrack Discoverers is a multi-day program that utilizes other FasTracKids programs in a subject-based curriculum. Using the FasTracKids signature program along with developmentally appropriate activities, children 3 – 5 years old can improve their communication and language skills.


FasTrack Advanced Discoverers LogoFasTrack® Advanced Discoverers – The path to discovery in this enhanced FasTrack® Discoverers program consists of a mixed, teacher-led curriculum along with focused FasTrack® Math and FasTrack® Language Arts lessons. An interactive, multi-day program for children 3-5 years old indulges their natural curiosity while growing math and language arts skills. Students “discover” for 4 hours a day, 5 days a week for 44 weeks.


FasTrack English Program LogoFasTrack® English – FasTracKids newest addition is an early education program that teaches English as a Second or Foreign Language (ESL or EFL) to children beginning at the age of 3. FasTrack English prepares children for standard English exams through games, songs and activities.


FasTrack Math Program LogoFasTrack® Math – The language of numbers is spoken everywhere, let FasTracKids teach your child how to speak it! Math can be one of the most difficult subjects that students must learn. Concepts continuously build upon one another while new skills are being developed. FasTrack Math covers the spectrum of basic concepts to more advanced equations for ages 2-12.




FasTrack Problem Solving Math LogoFasTrack® Problem Solving Math – Children are confronted with problems every day; some of these can be solved by using math! FasTrack Problem Solving Math is intended for advanced math students, ages 7 – 11, who have an excellent understanding of basic math concepts and fundamentals. Students develop analytical and problem solving skills by learning how to answer an array of challenging problems.




FasTrack Language Arts LogoFasTrack® Language Arts – Speaking and understanding a language is essential for communicating, but being able to expand your vocabulary, read and write allows for creative communication. FasTrack Language Arts covers mechanics of the English language such as phonics, vocabulary and grammar, as well as reading and writing comprehension using detailed illustrations, puzzles, and games. Workbooks are divided into 10 levels with 198 weekly workbooks for ages 2 – 15.




FasTrack Reading and Writing LogoFasTrack® Reading and Writing – New worlds, exciting adventures and a wealth of knowledge are discovered when a child opens a book. FasTrack Reading and Writing is a literature-based, reading enrichment program for ages 7-11 that strengthens reading comprehension and writing skills! The program features both fiction and non-fiction books, as well as genres of writing that includes poetry, mystery, extemporaneous and prose.

