Fairy Tale Thinking

Fairy tales are much more than entertainment, in fact, they teach children how to think. By reading a young child stories about dragons, princesses and magic, a parent is actually nurturing the development of their growing brains.
Albert Einstein once said:
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
– Albert Einstein
Fairy tales are often the first books to which children are exposed. These fantastic tales stimulate a child’s imagination and entertain them with fictional accounts of adventure and bravery. Through reading and listening, young minds are filled with trolls, princesses, magic beings, heroes, heroines and villains, all making decisions that illustrate lessons of consequence. By proxy, children are taught the difference between good and evil and are given a context by which they can evaluate their own emotions and decision making.
According to the United Kingdom newspaper The Telegraph, Mrs. Goddard Blythe, director of the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology in Chester, said:
“Fairy tales help to teach children an understanding of right and wrong, not through direct teaching, but through implication.”
In other words, whether we are reading the Russian story of Masha and the Bear or the Mexican story of The Bear Prince, or the American story of the Wizard of Oz, we are teaching our children the importance of keeping our promises, the importance of family and the importance of being smart instead of strong (to just name a few).
Through fairy tales, young learners are not only being exposed to other cultures, but are developing socially and emotionally, all while they are being thrilled and intrigued. To put it simply, they are becoming more intelligent by experiencing learning, cleverly disguised as fun.
At FasTracKids, we develop a child’s critical thinking skills and reinforce them through reading and listening. By using the books found on www.fastrackparents.com, parents are able to further this development at home and continue the learning journey…without fear of trolls.