Museum Musings

Magnificent educational opportunities can be discovered inside a building that, from the outside, wouldn’t seem to captivate a child’s imagination. Some of the FasTracKids staff visited the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to gain perspective on how kids are staying engaged outside the classroom. While museums wouldn’t necessarily be the first place you would think of for a day of discovery and education for a child, those museums geared toward children accomplish exactly that.
With the amount of interactive exhibits, knowledgeable staff and technological wonders, kids are enthusiastically learning. Collaboration was even used when a group of children circled around an interactive globe and figured out which areas of the world they wanted to see in detail.
Most of the groups that were at the museum were on a school field trip. This field trip gave students the opportunity to discover more about the solar system, prehistoric life, pirates and Egyptian mummies just to name a few exhibits. The value of a children’s museum is found with information being covered in depth and taught in a different way than it is in school. Don’t miss an opportunity to take your child to a museum and become educated together!
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