Our Global Initiative

At FasTracKids, we have long wanted to foster more collaboration among our centers and schools worldwide. We also have had an ongoing devotion to bringing ecological awareness to children in our programs. In an effort to bring these two desires into alignment, in 2013 we are launching the first annual FasTracKids Global Initiative, with this year’s focus being “Water Wise”.
Children of today will be the stewards of the fresh water supply of the future. We feel that it is imperative for our children to learn how important it is to take care of this precious resource.
In 2013, children from FasTracKids centers and schools across the globe will study the impact of water usage and conservation individually, as well as within their entire community.
Each month, participants will have access to new content, including interactive games for the FasTrack Learning Station and hands on activities for community involvement.
Through an interactive collaboration website, participants will join other FasTracKids centers, schools and parents in creatively addressing the issue of water quality and usage.
We hope to see you join us in collaborating for a better future.
Water Information: Water.org
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