The Art of Possibility
Last August, FasTracKids employees from the corporate office participated in Mexico’s Congreso de Maestros, a countrywide FasTracKids teacher workshop. FasTracKids was asked to create a presentation on how children can find a passion for learning and what to do about challenging behaviors in students.
FasTracKids used an educational theory from a world renowned conductor to spark conversation among the teachers. Benjamin Zander is the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and author of The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life. The teachers watched a video clip from when Zander presented his theory in a conference by the National College for School Leadership.
From his experience as a teacher, Zander recommended that educators are certain each child has “shining eyes”; and that students should start out each class with an “A” grade. It was then up to the individual student to keep it. Rich dialogue ensued between the teachers who both agreed and disagreed with this statement.
The afternoon session was spent discussing challenging behavior in students. A short video clip by Barbara Coloroso, an internationally recognized speaker and author in teaching, was viewed before the discussion commenced.
Coloroso spoke about the difference between punishment and discipline for students. An interesting observation from one of the FasTracKids teachers was “Punishment is to stop a behavior. Discipline is to change a behavior.” Many agreed with this statement. Teachers shared strategies they use in the classroom when faced with behavior challenges and problem solved different situations.
This conference gave teachers new ideas and challenges in how they teach the future leaders of tomorrow.
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